DIY Plumbing Fixes vs. When to Call the Pros: A Comprehensive Guide

Plumbing issues are an inevitable part of homeownership. From leaky faucets to clogged toilets, the range of potential problems can vary widely in complexity. While some issues can be easily addressed with a bit of DIY spirit, others require the skilled hand of professionals. At Markham Plumbing, we’re dedicated to helping you make the right choice between rolling up your sleeves and reaching for the phone. Here’s a comprehensive guide on when to tackle plumbing fixes yourself and when to call in the pros.

DIY Fixes You Can Attempt

  1. Dripping Faucets: Often caused by worn washers or gaskets, fixing a dripping faucet typically involves shutting off the water supply, disassembling the faucet, replacing the faulty part, and reassembling. It’s a straightforward process that most homeowners can manage.

  2. Clogged Drains: Minor clogs can often be resolved with a plunger or a plumber’s snake. For kitchen sinks, a mixture of baking soda and vinegar followed by hot water can also work wonders. However, use chemical cleaners sparingly, as they can damage pipes over time.

  3. Running Toilets: A running toilet can sometimes be fixed by adjusting the flapper valve or the float. Replacement kits are available at most hardware stores and come with simple instructions.

When to Call the Professionals

  1. Overflown Toilets: If your toilet overflows even after you’ve tried plunging, or if it frequently becomes clogged, there might be a deeper blockage in your sewage line. This situation requires professional tools and knowledge to resolve.


  1. Leaks in Walls or Floors: Water stains on walls or ceilings, or a soggy floor around appliances or fixtures, can indicate a leaky pipe in areas you can’t easily access. These leaks can cause significant damage if not addressed promptly and accurately by professionals.


  1. No Hot Water: If your hot water isn’t working, the issue could be with your water heater. Because water heaters involve complex electrical or gas systems, repairs can be dangerous without the proper knowledge and tools. It’s safer to let experienced professionals from Markham Plumbing handle it.


  1. Low Water Pressure Throughout the House: While a single fixture with low pressure can often be fixed by cleaning aerators or showerheads, widespread low water pressure might indicate a more significant issue, such as pipe corrosion or leaks in the main supply line.


  1. Frozen Pipes: Attempting to thaw frozen pipes on your own can lead to them bursting, resulting in an expensive mess. If you suspect your pipes are frozen, it’s critical to shut off the main water supply immediately and contact a professional.


  1. Sewer System Backup: Signs of a sewer system backup include multiple drain clogs, bad sewage smells coming from the drains, and gurgling toilets. These symptoms indicate a severe problem that requires immediate professional attention.


  1. Remodels and Installations: Any project that involves changing the layout of your plumbing, such as during a remodel, or installing new pipes, fixtures, or appliances, should be handled by professionals to ensure compliance with local codes and prevent future problems.

Why Choose Markham Plumbing?

At Markham Plumbing, we combine years of experience with the best tools and knowledge to ensure that your plumbing issues are fixed efficiently and effectively. We understand the urgency plumbing problems can present and are committed to providing timely service to address your needs. When DIY solutions can’t cut it, or when you’re unsure of the severity of the problem, we’re just a call away. Choosing us means selecting peace of mind.

Remember, while some DIY plumbing fixes can save money and provide instant gratification, understanding when to call in the professionals can save you time, money, and prevent potential disasters in the long run. For any plumbing issues in your home — big or small — don’t hesitate to reach out to Markham Plumbing at 647-372-5221. We’re here to ensure your plumbing system works flawlessly, making us the best choice for your plumbing needs.